Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Spring Time

So obviously as everyone knows it is spring time. There are flowers everywhere and the sun seems to be that extra bit brighter than usual. So of course as per usual I have been looking through the internet finding those perfect things for this season. I am overwhelmed by floral patterns. I have never been a flowery person but every item of clothing with floral patterns seems to appeal to me now. I have also been wanting a pleated skirt for ages now, secretly. I found this amazing green one from threadsence which is perfect, I love the colour and the length. I have never been one of those girls who can wear mid length skirts, well at least not yet. Hopefully maybe I will be able to muster up the courage soon. So here are some of my favourite pieces that I have found. Hope you enjoy!

Silence and Noise Floral Block Tank
Same as above

Same as Left

Playful Bliss Crochet Skort

Dream Lover Shirt by Insight

Pins And Needles Floral Lace Back Shirt
Same as left

Threadsence- Spring Pleats Skirt
Same as left

Sorry the images are all in funny positions my computer was being slightly aggravating. 

1 comment:

  1. lovely blog :) love the florals!

    maybe if you like mine too we can follow each other? i'd love if you visited xx
